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导演:Chus  Gutiérrez  


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本片是Chus Gutiérrez执导, 玛伊特·佩罗尼,鲁本·奥查迪亚诺,阿方索·巴萨维,马里修·奥查曼,佩德罗·卡萨布兰科,埃莱娜·伊鲁雷塔 Elena Irureta,Jorge Motos,Alba Gutiérrez,Lucía de la Fuente主演的剧情片《不能没有你2022》由西班牙地区 2022年推出,详细介绍:

  The film follows successful business owner David (Ochmann), who leads a comfortable life alongside his boyfriend, Álex (Bassave), an attractive gym instructor. The latter has always wanted to become a father and often wonders which path he should follow in order to make his dream come true: adoption? A surrogate mother? Nevertheless, David refuses to discuss the subject. That is, until Blanca (Perroni), David’s sister, with whom he broke off all contact after a dark event in the past, bursts into their lives. She used to be a drug addict and, in one terrible moment of carelessness, started a fire that killed their parents, for which she was sentenced to six years in prison. But now, she is clean and has resolved to win back the only family she has: that’s why she will be willing to do whatever it takes to persuade her brother to accept her into his life again.


剧情片《不能没有你2022》完整版在线观看由影视大全收集整理于网络,并免费提供 不能没有你2022在线高清播放模式,还可以支持手机免费看,方便广大影迷。这里有搞笑的、可以舒缓压力增添快乐的喜剧片和综艺节目,有好看的动作片和科幻片、恐怖片,请记住影视大全,我们以最丰富影视节目让大家开心快乐!


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